
Kakistocracy Etymology Ancient Greek κακιστος ( kakistos , “ worst ” ) , superlative of κακος ( kakos , “ bad ” ) + -κρατια ( -kratia , “ power, rule, government ” ) . kak · is · toc · ra · cy [ kak- uh - stok -r uh -see ] Show IPA noun, plural -cies. government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power. Noun kakistocracy ( plural kakistocracies ) 1. Government under the control of a nation's worst or least-qualified citizens. The government of a state by its most unprincipled citizens. Writers down the years have found this to be an appropriate word with which to belabour either their political system or other people’s. The American poet James Russell Lowell wrote in a letter in 1...