CircBall (TM)

This post came from IBN Philippines Forums, courtesy of Mr.Nardy Madrasto.

CircBall (TM) 

CircBall (TM) is a new sports invention using a unique circular court and a cool cluster ring baskets.

The circular court

Summary Rules & Regulations 

CircBall TM is a unique game of skill for indoor or outdoor basketball sports. It’s a new and alternative sport that involves a mixture of competitive & cooperative game of play. 

CircBall TM uses a circular court and a cluster ring design. A new scoring system of 3-points in the primary ring basket or 1-point in the secondary ring basket minimizes height advantage.

The circular court incorporates symbolistic care and share zones and teaches moral and ethical principles such as Love, Honesty, Purity and Unselfishness represented by a heart, a weighing scale, a dove and a hand, respectively. These new play zones are situated along the four cardinal points of the compass in the court area. 

The cluster of ring basket at its center court does not require a backboard – a challenging sports design which requires skill and precision to play. 

Features of the game:

· The cluster ring baskets
· The annular ring on the court (free throw area)
· Care & Share zones
· 3 point & 1 point scores built into the ring
· The drop ball play
· Bonus point award
· Try for Points at end of each quarter.

· Human rights play – give and give “until it hurts”
· Miracle of Forgiveness
· Morality play - Moral principles of love, honesty, purity and unselfishness
· Incorporates the spirit of The New Games Movement

The Mechanics of the game

  • CircBall TM is a unique sports invention using a new circular court and cluster rings basket. It is played with rules similar to basketball such as dribbling, passing the ball between team players, shooting the ball, rebounding, defense, offense, etc. However, new elements are introduced during the game.

  • Court boundary is approximately 70 feet in diameter with two inner concentric circles forming the annular ring (the free throw and drop ball area).

  • Six (6) players on each team. Twelve (12) minutes of play per quarter for four quarters.

  • Drop ball play starts the game with two players to drop the ball from its highest point and the first one to touch the ball after it bounces takes possession of the ball.

  • Primary ring makes 3 points, and secondary ring makes a 1 point goal count.

  • A new element called the morality play rule starts in the second quarter using the share and care zones as a platform for giving the ball to the opponent player to make a goal.
    • Each player gives the ball (twice during the game) to the opponent player for the opponent player to make a shot for a goal.
    • The first team to complete the giving of the love ball during the game wins a greater bonus point award.

  • The new cluster ring baskets do not use a backboard; instead, it uses a rebounding post which requires more skill to make a shot to the primary ring.

  • The new court design includes neutral sectors to distinguish between front court and back court play area.

  • Another element - Human rights play rule involves the giving of the ball to opponent players several times. This rule is played after the overall scores have been tallied. A play initiated by a team ahead in the total overall score at the end of the final quarter but whose desire is "to give more and more until it hurts" to the opposing team.


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