Grammar Nazi.

Noun:Grammar Nazi(plural Grammar Nazis).

Slang; A person who habitually corrects or criticizes the language(s) used by other people, especially in situations where it is unnecessary e.g. an informal conversation. 

Someone who believes it's their duty to attempt to correct any grammar and/or spelling mistakes they observe. Usually found hanging around Irc chatrooms hounding "n00bs".
Well at least you can spell dyslexic correctly.

noun (pl. -s) 
1. A person who uses proper grammar at all times, esp. online  in e-mails, chat rooms, instant messengers and webboard posts; a proponent of grammatical correctness. Often one who spells correctly as well. 

2. a – A person who believes proper grammar (and spelling) should be used by everyone whenever possible. b – One who attempts to persuade or force others to use proper grammar and spelling. c – One who uses proper grammar and spelling to subtly mock or deride those who do not; an exhibitor of grammatical superiority. d – One who advocates linguistic clarity; an opponent of 1337-speak. e – One who corrects others' grammar; the spelling police. 

proper noun 
3. A nickname, pseudonym or handle for a well-known grammar nazi (defs. 1 and 2) within a particular social circle, used to show either great respect or great contempt for his or her abilities. 

verb (transitive) 
4. To correct the grammar of (a person's speech, a piece of writing, etc.); to edit for grammar and spelling; to proofread.
1. A grammar nazi knows the difference between "there," "their" and "they're." 

2. Teh grammar nazis haev invadd r formu. 

3. Grammar Nazi, help me with my English homework please. 

4. He totally grammar nazied my article, replacing pronouns and rewriting clauses.

A captious individual who cannot resist the urge to correct a spelling and/or grammar mistake even in informal settings. After pointing out the linguistic shortcomings in others, a Grammar Nazi feels a strange sense of twisted and unconstructive intelligentsia delight. 

In reality, they are making someone else feel bad for no reason and unintentionally implying that their "superior" grammar skills are all they have to show for a wasted liberal arts education. 

While proper grammar usage is all well and good, a Grammar Nazi cavils even insignificant errors in English to somehow win an argument. Of course, rather than being genuinely persuasive in an argument, pointing out English errors is a weak attack only on the typist's credibility and never has any bearing on the underlying premises and assertions therein. 

In other words, this is simply a disguised Ad Hominem  argument which intelligent and logical people disregard. 

Still, one should strive to spell and use words properly, but arrogant and unsolicited advice is not a very persuasive way to teach English. 
Average High Schooler: So U R their in Britin, than? 

Insecure English PhD (aka Grammar Nazi): I am in England studying here at Oxford, sir, and I prefer you talk to me only in Ye Olde Englishe like a good chap because language can never evolve. 

Some High Schooler: LOL!!!!11 Hve fun nvr getting laid!1111!!!!

A literate on a bad day. Usually found when said literate is in an irritable mood, or has dealt with too much illiteracy in a given time period. 

When a literate is in Grammar Nazi mode, they are usually found correcting all sorts of typos & grammar and/or punctuation errors.
She was being a Grammar Nazi, correcting each & everyone one of his mistakes.


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